The X Commandments According To Jesus

Dr. Mike Harder begins his new series “The Ten Commandments According to Jesus” from Exodus chapters 19 and 20. What if the Ten Commandments are not just rules to live by but something deeper—perhaps a love letter from God to a people who desperately need Him? In the earlier chapters of Exodus, the Israelites had seen God’s mighty power many times, but they really didn’t know Him. In chapter 19, they prepare to actually meet Him as God comes to Mt. Sinai. However, God makes it clear that because of their sin, they cannot actually approach Him. The Israelites needed an advocate to be their bridge to Holy God. They needed a way to know God personally. Moses was their advocate. Today, because of our sin we still cannot approach Holy God without an advocate. We need a way to personally know God. Jesus is our advocate… our bridge to Holy God.

Will you make Jesus Christ personal?
If you don’t have a personal relationship with Him, you can today by surrendering your life to Him.
If you already have a personal relationship with Him, would you be an advocate for someone else who needs to know of His goodness and love?