Hearing God

Today, First Baptist Spartanburg saw the fulfillment of God’s faithfulness as we welcomed new pastor, Dr. Mike Harder, and his family. Join us in praying for Dr. Harder and his family as they adjust to a new town and lead our church forward into a new era.

Just as children sometimes fail to listen to their parents and obey them, so God often speaks, but we aren’t listening.

The Bible character, Jonah, listened to God’s voice, but didn’t like what he heard. God instructed Jonah to go to Nineveh and tell the people to turn from their sins. Instead, because Jonah hated the Ninevites, he ran in the opposite direction to Joppa, where he boarded a ship bound for Tarshish. Once on board, Jonah descended to the lowest spot in the ship and went to sleep. Jonah did everything he could to escape God’s voice. He ran, hid, and slept.

Like Jonah, we often try to get as far away from what God asks us to do. Fear, uncertainty, and change all play a part, yet when God speaks, the best response is to listen and obey.

Is God speaking to you? Are you listening? Will you hear and respond? Perhaps you think you aren’t good enough or gifted enough for God’s assignment. Instead, remember God has been working through broken people to accomplish his purposes since the beginning. When he gives an assignment, he equips us.

Will you make space in your life, clearing distractions, to hear and obey?